Welcome to CX-ASAP!¶
CX-ASAP is a collection of modules and pipelines designed to automate crystallographic analysis. It is particularly useful for automatically analysing large datasets where experiments have been performed on the same crystal. Consider using this software if you regularly perform experiments such as:
Variable Temperature Studies
Variable Pressure Studies
Positional Mapping Studies
User Guide
For extended installtion guides, download the CX-ASAP Installation Guide
Developer Guide
Module Flowcharts
Dr Amy Thompson
Dr Kate Smith
Dr Daniel Eriksson
Prof Jack Clegg
Dr Jason Price
If you include any data or analysis output from CX-ASAP in your publications, please include a citation to the code (Thompson, A. J., Smith, K. M. L., Clegg, J. K., Price, J. R. (2023): CX-ASAP: A high throughput tool for the serial refinement and analysis of crystallographic data collected under varying conditions, J. Appl. Cryst, 56. <https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576723000298>).