Required Crystallography Programs (note that these must be in your path and commandline executable):
xprep (dev branch only)
XDS (dev branch only)
Python requirements are listed in requirements.txt and will automatically be installed upon installation of CX-ASAP
It is It is recommended to obtain the code directly from GitHub using git. Instructions for using git (ie to clone and switch branches) is available for download as part of the extended installation instructions (‘CX_ASAP Installation Guide’) which are available at
Once you have the code you have two options to install CX-ASAP: either straight onto your computer, or into a virtual environment. It is highly recommended that you choose the virtual environment option if you are familiar with using them (or are happy to learn how to :) )
First, navigate in the command line into the CX-ASAP folder (where Makefile is).
If you want to install CX-ASAP straight onto your computer, execute the below instruction:
make install-quick
If you want to install CX-ASAP into a virtual environment (remembering you will need to activate it manually), execute the below instruction:
make install-venv
This should also be done every time you re-download the code from github (ie using git pull)!
Additional Installation Options (Linux and Mac only)¶
If you would like command-line completion (ie hitting the tab key to auto-complete options), then you will also need to enter the below code which updates your bashrc file (Linux) or bash_profile (Mac):
make cxasap-complete
If you would like an alias to easily edit the conf.yaml file, there is an option to add this into your bashrc file (Linux) or bash_profile (Mac). If you run this installation option, you will be able to type ‘cxasap_yaml’ into the terminal to easily open the conf.yaml file. This will be easier than finding it and opening it manually. To do this, enter the below command:
make yaml-alias
Note that these steps are not necessary, but will make your life easier :)
Running the Code¶
Open your terminal (in your virtual environment if you installed it there) and execute the below command:
From here, the commandline will guide you through usage of the code.
If you receive an error upon executing the code that reads like this…
Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.
… you will need to change the encoding of your computer. To see what options are available, open your terminal and run the below command:
locale -a
Choose an option from the output (we will call it X). Ideally, it should match the country of your computer. Ie, for Australian users, it will be:
Note that there are variations and some computers may express it as ‘UTF-8’.
Once you have chosen your encoding, run the below two commands (where X is your encoding):
export LC_ALL=X
export LANG=X
Try executing CX-ASAP once again and the error should have gone.
For more information, you can read the below link:
If you receive errors while running a module or pipeline, you can view the error log which may give an indication of what went wrong. You can view it in two ways:
Execute the command ‘cxasap errors’ - this will print it out into the terminal
Navigate to your experiment location or results output location and there will be a copy here
Navigate to cx_asap/error_logs/error_output.txt - you will be able to open this file in a text editor
All the different CX-ASAPs explained¶
CX-ASAP = name of the software package and repo name on GitHub
cxasap = what you type into the commandline to execute the code
cx_asap = directory containing the conf.yaml file
cx-asap = GitHub account hosting the code